Author / Coronavirus / Self-Publishing / Writing

Coronavirus — No better time to write your book!

Man typing on his computerYou’re stuck at home. The four walls are closing in. Cabin fever. But sheltering at home is in some ways a gift. A gift of time.

Time to write and self-publish your book.

You have a story to tell. When you think of your legacy, you may be concentrating on finances and property. But legacy can also include your reminiscences, the turning points in your life, the mentors who guided you. Your story can take any shape you wish.

Your family and inner circle of friends will inherit a gift to cherish their whole lives long.

Over the next few weeks, I will provide guideposts for your journey into self-publishing. I will draw upon my own experience of publishing three books on my own. Each gave me fulfillment beyond measure. You can experience that same feeling.

So, dust off the chapters of your book hidden away in your dresser drawer. I can help you jump-start your book and get you to the finish line.

Follow my blog so you won’t miss out on my next post: How to narrow down your theme.

Keep writing!

© Ron Cooper 2020

Ron’s blog and books can be found here. Visit any time!

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